Meet your Sanscrit origins at the Baltic Sea!
Discover the beauty of this Baltic gem and its exceptionally inventive modern crafts and arts.
Feel the touch of its unique language.
Among the living languages, Lithuanian is the closest to our Indo-European origins.
Archaic features from Sanskrit and Ancient Greek give it a glamor of irisistible dignity and appeal !
Lithuanian for English speakers:
Beginner: Lithuanian for English speakers "Where are you from?..." / Iš kur Jūs atvykote?..., 2:48 min.
Beginner: Lithuanian for English speakers "What is your name?:../ Koks tavo vardas?..., 1:08 min.
Beginner: Lithuanian for English speakers "Hello! My name is..." / Sveiki! Mano vardas..., 0:42 min.